
Privacy Policy

  /  Privacy Policy


Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (“the Act”) which came into effect on 15th November 2013, we have therefore developed a Privacy Policy.

This policy set out how Kafewu Sdn. Bhd., its related companies and managed syndicates and trust ( “Kafewu”, “we”, “ours”, “us”) collects, uses, disclose and manage your personal information and how Kafewu complies with the Act.

This Policy is issued to all our immediate and/or prospective customers, suppliers and employees. Kafewu has appointed a Privacy Officer. If you have any queries or complaint’s concerning your personal information, please contact out Privacy Officer using the contact details listed below.


This Policy is issued to all our immediate and/or prospective customers, suppliers and employees. Kafewu has appointed a Privacy Officer. If you have any queries or complaint’s concerning your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer using the contact details listed below.

When you transact with Kafewu, we may collect your Personal Data, which is subject to applicable data protection, privacy and other similar laws and may include but not limited to information concerning you:-

  1. Name, date of birth, gender and race;
  2. Nationality, identity card number, passport;
  3. Contact details including your postal address, email address, personal number and telephone number;
  4. Bank account and credit card identity;
  5. Salary range;
  6. Compensation currently and historically;
  7. Your contact preference;
  8. Information to verify your identity;
  9. Work history, any other details of past employers or other people you provided to us, if you apply job with us;
  10. Details products and services that we have supplied to you, or you have enquired about, together with any additional information necessary to deliver those products and services and to respond to your enquires;
  11. Information you provide to us through our representatives or customer surveys from time to time; and if you invest in our syndicates, trust or in the listed entity, information relating to you and your investment.


We may collect your Personal Data using a variety of methods, including;

  1. Through your access and use of our corporate or estate website;
  2. Through your participation in surveys, questionnaires, competitions and promotions run by or on behalf of Kafewu;
  3. Agreements and contracts for sale and purchase of our goods or for our services;
  4. During conversation between you and our representatives, including sales representatives;
  5. When you make an enquiry;
  6. Official registration forms either electronic or printed for new launches or goods roadshows, showcase;
  7. exhibitions or any other promotional events;
  8. We may also collect Personal Data from third parties including from our related companies and managed syndicates and trust, third party companies such as credit reporting agencies and government entities.

    At no time will any Personal Data be purchased by us or in any way commercially acquired through the purchase or trading of illegitimate and illegal Personal Data databases or lists.


    We collect, use, processed and disclose your Personal Data for the following purposes;

    1. To deliver the notices, services or products and marketing of such services or products whether present or future, to you;
    2. To enable us to send you information via postal mail, e-mail, telephone calls, sms messages or social chat applications or internet social media pertaining to our products and services offered by us and/or selected third parties that in our view may interest you but doing so we maintain control over your Personal Data and we will not disclose your Personal Data to any third parties without your prior written consent;
    3. To enable you to enter into the necessary agreement and/or contract to purchase the products, services and/or properties from us;
    4. Credit assessment, financial and background inquiry when deemed essential;


    The entities that we may disclose your Personal Data include:

    1. Entities within the broader Kafewu Group or our representatives, contractors, agents;
    2. Our auditors, consultants, lawyer, accountants or other financial or professional adviser in connection with our business;
    3. Regulatory authorities or as otherwise required to fulfill legal and regulatory requirements.

    You may at any time withdraw, in full or in part, your disclosure consent given previously, in each case subject to any applicable legal restriction, contractual conditions and a reasonable time period in person at our corporate offices located at the address given below.


    You have the right to obtain a copy of any Personal Data which we hold about you. You also have a right to:

    1. Request the correction and/or advise us of any inaccuracy, misleading, out-of-date or incomplete upon validation and verification of the new information given to us in person at our corporate office located at the address given below.
    2. Communicate to us your objection to the use of your Personal Data for marketing purposes whereupon we will not use your Personal Data for these purposes in person at our office located at the address given below.
    3. Explain or specify its policies and procedures in relation to data and types of Personal Data handled by us;
    4. Withdraw, in full or in part, your consent given previously, in each case subject to any applicable legal restrictions, contractual conditions and a reasonable time period in person at our corporate office located address given below.


    All correspondence and privacy related queries and concerns should be directed to:
    Kafewu Sdn. Bhd.
    18W, Jalan Satu,
    11400 Ayer Itam,
    Penang, Malaysia


    We retain the right to review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time, if needed as to comply with changes in business operation or laws and regulations.